The SHIFT Experience:

Elevate Your Leadership and Drive Results—Without Compromising Well-being

In a world where change is the only constant, leaders everywhere are grappling with unprecedented challenges. The traditional playbook for success is being rewritten in real-time, leaving many feeling adrift and uncertain.

But there's hope.

As a leader in our rapidly evolving world of work, you’re being asked to do so much more with so much less.

You face:

  • Skyrocketing employee burnout and turnover

  • The complexities of managing hybrid and remote teams

  • An ever-growing, overwhelming list of responsibilities with shrinking resources

  • The pressure to maintain productivity while prioritizing well-being

  • A constant need to adapt to new technologies and market shifts

The strain is palpable. Recent studies show that 68% of managers experienced burnout in the past year, a stark increase from 43% in 2022. If this resonates with you, you're not alone.

You’re motivated, engaged, and determined not to let things devolve.

You may have already:

  • Implemented new productivity tools or performance management systems

  • Organized team-building activities or wellness programs

  • Relying on flexibility policies to drive culture change

  • Invested in leadership training programs

But something still feels missing, doesn't it?

Here's Why Traditional Approaches Fall Short:

  • One-size-fits-all solutions fail to address your unique leadership context

  • Many approaches don't account for the rapidly changing nature of work

  • Quick-fix solutions often overlook the deeper, systemic issues at play

  • Traditional leadership models weren't designed for today's complex, fast-paced world

Approaches you have taken in the past may have fallen short because:

  • There is No One-Size-Fits-All: Each organization is unique. Cookie-cutter solutions fail to address the specific nuances of your workplace.

  • Complexity Blindness: Many approaches don't account for the intricate interplay of technology, global interconnectedness, and rapid market shifts.

  • Surface-Level Solutions: Quick fixes address symptoms, not root causes. They overlook deeper, systemic issues driving organizational behavior.

  • Outdated Models: Traditional frameworks were built for stable environments. They struggle to keep pace with today's complex, fast-paced landscape.

  • Emotional Intelligence Gap: Conventional methods often focus on processes and metrics, neglecting the crucial role of interpersonal dynamics.

    Today's leaders need an adaptive, holistic approach that addresses both tactical and human elements of leadership.

This is where SHIFT comes in.

SHIFT is Your compass for modern leadership.

It empowers you to leverage your natural strengths across five critical areas:

  • Security: Foster trust and psychological safety

  • Horizon: Guide your team through change with vision

  • Impact: Drive meaningful, purpose-aligned results

  • Fluidity: Adapt with agility to constant change

  • Ties: Strengthen relationships and networks

SHIFT isn't about reinventing yourself. It's about amplifying what you already do well and applying it strategically to today's leadership challenges. Navigating this new world of work requires a different approach. It's about embracing uncertainty, leveraging your unique strengths, and viewing challenges as opportunities for growth and innovation.

The SHIFT Experience:

Finding the Path Forward

The truth is, you already possess the keys to navigating this uncertainty – your unique strengths as a leader. Whether it's your ability to foster inclusion, adapt to industry shifts, communicate vision, assess team readiness, or cultivate collaboration, these strengths are your foundation.

But knowing your strengths is just the beginning. To truly thrive, you need:

  1. A simplified way to think about and apply your strengths where they're needed most

  2. A guide to help you navigate the complexities of modern leadership with confidence

  3. A framework to understand what makes leaders successful today

Anne-Marie Eze, PhD, Award-winning art historian | Associate Librarian, Houghton Library, Harvard University

“SHIFT gave me clarity and confidence to sort through the competing factors of a major job opportunity and, importantly, my emotions around them. I’m excited to join the first cohort and apply the model to my leadership style.”

The SHIFT Experience

A 5-Week Journey to Unlock Your Potential and Navigate Uncertainty with Confidence

The SHIFT Experience is your compass through these uncharted territories. Over the course of 5 intensive weeks, you'll master the SHIFT framework – Security, Horizon, Impact, Fluidity, and Ties – and learn how to apply it to your unique leadership context. This program is designed to help you start from a position of strength and embrace your role as an explorer in this new world of work. Through immersive training, personalized coaching, and actionable content, you'll develop a customized SHIFT plan that integrates your strengths with your organization's evolving needs.

Pre-Course: Discover Your Leadership Landscape

  • Complete comprehensive assessments to identify your unique strengths

  • Engage in a one-on-one coaching session to interpret your results and set personalized goals

Week 1 | Learn the SHIFT Framework: SHIFT Overview

  • Learn the fundamentals of SHIFT and how to apply it in your leadership context

  • Understand how each component of SHIFT addresses modern leadership challenges

  • Begin to identify areas where you can immediately leverage your strengths

Week 2
| Build a Strong Foundation: Security and Ties

  • Explore why putting people first is crucial for health and productivity and learn how to do that effectively

  • Learn strategies for creating psychological safety and fostering strong connections

  • Develop skills for managing yourself and others effectively in uncertain times

Week 3 | Embrace Change and Look Forward: Horizon and Fluidity

  • Shift from seeking guaranteed success to getting comfortable with experimentation

  • Learn techniques for anticipating and adapting to change 

  • Discover a skill oriented approach to leadership

  • Develop strategies for leading your team through transitions and uncertainty

Week 4 | Link Purpose and Performance: Impact

  • Discover how to align personal and organizational purpose for enhanced performance

  • Move away from rewarding productivity to driving impactful outcomes

  • Explore ways to maintain focus and motivation in the face of challenges

Week 5 | Craft Your Customized SHIFT Plan

  • Integrate all you've learned into a comprehensive, personalized action plan

  • Receive guidance and feedback to refine your plan

  • Set concrete next steps for implementing SHIFT principles in your unique context

  • Personalized and peer coaching 

Throughout the program, you'll have opportunities for peer learning, real-world application, and ongoing support to ensure you can immediately put your insights into practice.

Is The SHIFT Experience for me?

The SHIFT Experience might be perfect for you if:

  • You’ve gone from aiming for career impact to daydreaming about a one-way ticket to Machu Picchu.

  • What began as overwhelm has deepened into despair, teetering on the edge of burnout.

  • The workplace feels like a rollercoaster of exhaustion and exhilaration, leaving you drained.

  • You’re seeking fresh, uncharted strategies that focus on the mind-body connection and self-regulation.

  • You want innovative approaches that go beyond the usual advice and truly make a difference.

About Rachael

My fascination with human decision-making and behavior led me to leadership development. I've learned that how we bring ourselves to work and relate to each other can make or break even the most important mission.

Since 2000, I've dedicated myself to understanding human behavior and organizational dynamics. I hold an MA in Social-Organizational Psychology from Columbia University, am an ICF Certified Coach (ACC), and completed the Brown University Coaching Certification. I am certified on multiple personality and 360 assessment instruments, and I have studied Polyvagal theory, Internal Family Systems, and somatic healing.

For over 20 years, I've coached hundreds of leaders across diverse sectors, including professional services, financial services, technology, healthcare, higher education, and non-profits. I've partnered with global organizations such as Microsoft, Phillips 66, Proskauer, and KPMG on innovative work-life initiatives. In my most recent role at Harvard University, I worked with dozens of leaders across 23 schools and units, guiding them through successful changes to adapt to the future of work.

My SHIFT framework (Security, Horizon, Impact, Fluidity, and Ties) equips leaders to navigate today's complex workplace dynamics, fostering environments where both individuals and organizations thrive. I'm passionate about helping leaders transition from reactive to creative thinking, unlocking their full potential to drive meaningful change. My thought leadership on these topics has been featured in the New York Times, WNYC, Slate, and Fast Company.

As a proud entrepreneur and single mom to Sonja and Jonah, along with our dog Stella, I understand the challenges of balancing professional ambitions with personal life. This firsthand experience infuses my work with empathy and practical insights, helping leaders create more human-centered workplaces.

Julie Kashen, Director, Women's Economic Justice and Senior Fellow, The Century Foundation

“Rachael has given me tools, support, accountability and ideas that have supported me to practice fierce self-compassion. She has helped me stay focused on my goals and helped navigate some challenges in my work - showing me that they were an opportunity for growth. I highly recommend working with Rachael to help you have more of what you want in your life, and be more of the leader that you want to be.”

Investment in Your Leadership Journey

What’s Included:

Weekly Group Coaching Sessions: Participate in live, recorded group coaching sessions each week, where you'll engage in dynamic discussions, share experiences, and gain insights from both the coach and peers. Optional group coaching follows the main session, allowing for deeper exploration of the topics covered.

One-on-One Coaching: In weeks 1 and 5, you'll receive personalized one-on-one coaching sessions tailored to your unique needs apart from the group calls. The first session is dedicated to setting objectives, assessing challenges, and crafting a roadmap for progress. In the fifth week, we'll review your developments, adjust strategies as needed, and ensure you're on track to achieve your goals.

Assessments: You'll receive both a SHIFT Assessment Report and a Predictive Index Assessment Report. These quick yet powerful tools provide a wealth of insights to help you amplify your impact.

Extensive Resource Library: Access a robust library of resources designed to support your journey, including curated book recommendations, relevant software tools, personalized learning modules, and ready-to-use articles, models, and templates.

Time Commitment

Live Sessions: 2–2.5 hours per week, with the option to attend just the first hour, if you choose to forgo the group coaching session.

Coaching Sessions: Additional hour required in weeks 1 and 5 for one-on-one coaching.

Homework: 1+ hours per week.

Post-Program Follow-Up: After the program concludes, join a follow-up group session to reinforce your progress, address any remaining questions, and maintain the momentum you've built.


Pilot Program Special Offer: $1,499
This pilot program is limited to just 12 participants, offering a highly personalized experience. The investment is significantly reduced ahead of the full program launch in 2025, reflecting our commitment to refining the program based on participant feedback. This special pricing provides a unique opportunity to experience this transformative program at a fraction of its future cost. Late registration is an additional $180.

Limited Additional Discounts
Additional discounts may be available on a case-by-case basis, based on need.

Professional Development Reimbursement
This program is eligible for Professional Development reimbursement. Please consult your organization's HR department to confirm specific policies.

Elisa Camahort Page Seasoned start-up executive | Consultant | Author

“SHIFT helped me focus on how to leverage my greatest strength(s) to manage in the other strengths areas (and how to improve or develop in those other areas).”

Ready to Lead Confidently Through the Chaos?

Don't let the uncertainties of today's workplace hold you back. Take the first step towards more confident, adaptive, and impactful leadership.

Schedule your free consultation call

During this call, we'll:

  • Discuss your specific leadership challenges

  • Explore how the SHIFT framework can serve as your compass

  • Determine if the SHIFT Experience is the right fit for your leadership journey

A maximum of 12 leaders will be accepted into this first round to ensure a high-touch, personalized experience. Don't miss this opportunity to join our founding cohort and transform your leadership at a fraction of the future program cost.

Your leadership evolution begins here.

Learn more.

It’s not too late! Register for the course below.