The SHIFT Senior Team Accelerator

In a world where change is the only constant, leaders everywhere are grappling with unprecedented challenges. The traditional playbook for team success is being rewritten in real-time, leaving many feeling adrift and uncertain.

But there's hope.

As a senior HR focused leader in our rapidly evolving world of work, you're being asked to do so much more with so much less.

You face:

  • Skyrocketing team burnout and turnover

  • The complexities of integrating hybrid and remote teams

  • An ever-growing list of responsibilities with shrinking resources

  • Pressure to maintain productivity while prioritizing well-being

  • A constant need to adapt teams to new technologies and market shifts

You may have already:

  • Introduced tools to boost team productivity and performance management

  • Planned team-building and wellness activities

  • Used flexibility policies to enhance company culture

  • Invested in creative training programs for teams

  • Conducted employee engagement surveys and created action plans

  • Established recognition and reward systems for individual workers

  • Improved onboarding for new employees

  • Developed learning and development programs for mid-level managers

Here's Why Traditional Team Approaches Fall Short:

  • One-size-fits-all solutions overlook unique team dynamics and rapid changes.

  • Quick fixes ignore deeper issues, while traditional models fail in today's complex environment.

  • Bottom-up initiatives struggle without strong leadership support.

  • Emphasizing individual contributors or mid-level managers doesn't lead to lasting change

  • Leadership mindset and behavior are essential for transformation.

Approaches you have taken in the past may have fallen short because:

Today's People Leaders need an adaptive approach that combines tactical and human elements of team leadership, focusing on senior leadership development and alignment. Prioritizing leadership creates positive change across the organization, ensuring initiatives at all levels receive necessary support and modeling.

  • No One-Size-Fits-All: Each team is unique, and standard solutions often fail to meet specific workplace needs.

  • Complexity Blindness: Many methods overlook the complex interplay of technology, globalization, and market changes in team dynamics.

  • Surface-Level Solutions: Quick fixes address symptoms rather than root causes, ignoring systemic issues affecting team behavior.

  • Emotional Intelligence Gap: Conventional approaches focus on processes and metrics, neglecting the importance of interpersonal dynamics.

  • Bottom-Up Focus: Initiatives targeting only lower levels often fail without leadership alignment and modeling.

  • Lack of Leadership Development: Insufficient focus on senior leadership development leads to a lack of top-down support for new initiatives.

  • Misaligned Incentives: Leadership behaviors that contradict new initiatives can undermine efforts to change culture.

  • Change Resistance at the Top: Reluctance among senior leaders to change limits the effectiveness of organizational transformation.

SHIFT enhances your leadership team's existing strengths to address today's organizational challenges. It promotes a new approach to leadership development that embraces uncertainty, turning challenges into opportunities for growth and innovation.

By focusing on senior leaders, the SHIFT Accelerator creates a ripple effect that positively influences all organizational levels, establishing a culture that adapts to rapid changes.

This is where SHIFT comes in.

SHIFT is your compass for transforming leadership and team dynamics.

It empowers you to leverage your leadership team's natural strengths across five critical areas:

  • Security: Foster trust and psychological safety at the leadership level, spreading throughout the organization.

  • Horizon: Develop a shared vision among leaders to guide teams through change

  • Impact: Align leadership actions with organizational purpose to drive meaningful results

  • Fluidity: Enhance leadership agility to help the entire organization adapt to constant change

  • Ties: Strengthen relationships within the leadership team and across organizational boundaries

The SHIFT Senior Team Accelerator:

Finding the Path Forward

The truth is, your teams already possess the keys to navigating this uncertainty – their unique collective strengths.

But knowing these strengths is just the beginning. To truly thrive, your teams need:

  1. A simplified way to think about and apply their strengths where they're needed most

  2. A guide to help them navigate the complexities of modern teamwork with confidence

  3. A framework to understand what makes teams successful today

Anne-Marie Eze, PhD, Award-winning art historian | Associate Librarian, Houghton Library, Harvard University

“SHIFT gave me clarity and confidence to sort through the competing factors of a major opportunity and, importantly, my emotions around them.

Comprehensive Leadership Team Assessment

  • Evaluate team dynamics using our SHIFT framework

  • Individual leadership style assessments for each team member

  • Team culture and alignment survey

Data Analysis and Insights Report

  • In-depth analysis of assessment data and survey results

  • Custom report detailing key strengths, challenges, and growth opportunities

Executive Team Coaching

  • Tailored coaching sessions for the leadership team

  • Focus on critical development areas aligned with organizational goals

Leadership Team Workshops

  • Interactive sessions on each SHIFT component

  • Practical application of concepts to your organization's unique challenges

Implementation Support

  • Guidance on integrating SHIFT principles into daily operations

  • Follow-up sessions to ensure sustained progress

  • Individual leader coaching as needed

Senior Team Accelerator Components

Each SHIFT team intervention is customized to meet the unique needs of your organization and leadership team. While the specific elements may vary, our comprehensive approach typically includes the following core components:

Enhanced Leadership Team Alignment

  • Shared understanding of organizational purpose and strategic priorities

  • Improved decision-making processes and role clarity

    Enhanced Leadership Team Alignment

Elevated Leadership Capabilities

  • Individual and collective growth in key leadership competencies

  • Increased self-awareness and team dynamics

Improved Organizational Performance

  • Faster execution of key initiatives

  • Increased agility in responding to market challenges

Stronger Organizational Culture

  • Increased trust and psychological safety cascading from leadership

  • Enhanced communication and collaboration across all levels

Greater Employee Engagement

  • Improved retention rates

  • Higher levels of employee satisfaction and productivity

These outcomes work synergistically to create a more resilient, adaptive, and high-performing organization, better equipped to thrive in today's complex business environment.

Senior Team Accelerator Outcomes

By investing in the SHIFT Team Accelerator, you're not just developing your leadership team – you're catalyzing positive change throughout your entire organization. s:

About REworking Leadership Founder and Principal:

Rachael Lowell Ellison

My fascination with human decision-making and behavior led me to leadership development. I've learned that how we bring ourselves to work and relate to each other can make or break even the most important mission.

Since 2000, I've dedicated myself to understanding human behavior and organizational dynamics. I hold an MA in Social-Organizational Psychology from Columbia University, am an ICF Certified Coach (ACC), and completed the Brown University Coaching Certification. I am certified on multiple personality and 360 assessment instruments, and I have studied Polyvagal theory, Internal Family Systems, and somatic healing.

For over 20 years, I've coached hundreds of leaders across diverse sectors, including professional services, financial services, technology, healthcare, higher education, and non-profits. I've partnered with global organizations such as Microsoft, Phillips 66, Proskauer, and KPMG on innovative work-life initiatives. In my most recent role at Harvard University, I worked with dozens of leaders across 23 schools and units, guiding them through successful changes to adapt to the future of work.

My SHIFT framework (Security, Horizon, Impact, Fluidity, and Ties) equips leaders to navigate today's complex workplace dynamics, fostering environments where both individuals and organizations thrive. I'm passionate about helping leaders transition from reactive to creative thinking, unlocking their full potential to drive meaningful change. My thought leadership on these topics has been featured in the New York Times, WNYC, Slate, and Fast Company.

As a proud entrepreneur and single mom to Sonja and Jonah, along with our dog Stella, I understand the challenges of balancing professional ambitions with personal life. This firsthand experience infuses my work with empathy and practical insights, helping leaders create more human-centered workplaces.

Elisa Camahort Page Seasoned start-up executive | Consultant | Author

“SHIFT helped me focus on how to leverage my greatest strength(s) to manage in the other strengths areas (and how to improve or develop in those other areas).”

Ready to Transform Your Leadership Team?

Don't let the uncertainties of today's workplace hold your organization back. Take the first step towards more confident, adaptive, and impactful leadership.

Schedule your free consultation call

During this call, we'll:

  • Discuss your specific leadership team challenges

  • Explore how the SHIFT framework can serve as your organizational compass

  • Determine how we can customize the SHIFT Team Intervention for your leadership team's unique needs

Our team interventions are highly customized to meet the specific needs of your organization. We work closely with C-Suite Executives including CHROs and people leaders to design a program that addresses your unique challenges and leverages your leadership team's strengths.

Don't miss this opportunity to transform your leadership team and drive meaningful change throughout your organization. Contact us today to start your SHIFT journey.